7 must-haves for lawn care this fall

Aerate Your Lawn
Aeration involves making tiny holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to better reach the roots of your grass. It helps break up soil compaction, a common problem in soil.
You can rent a core aerator from your local hardware store to aerate your lawn yourself. Make two vertical passes over the lawn, covering the entire area. Or hire a professional lawn service to aerate for you—they have commercial-grade equipment and can get the job done quickly.
Aim to aerate your lawn at least once a year in the fall, around early September. Focus on high-traffic, particularly compact areas, such as near sidewalks and play areas.
Aeration stimulates root growth before winter sets in. It also allows new grass seed to make better contact with the soil during seeding.
Overseeding Makes Turf Thicker
Overseeding is essential to maintaining a green, lush lawn. Our arid climate, strong sun, and cold winters can thin out grass over time. Overseeding helps fill in bare spots and thicken patchy areas.
Purchase a seed mix that contains primarily cool-season grasses, such as tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass. Look for a high percentage of perennial ryegrass for quick germination.
The best time to overseed is late August through September, before the weather gets too cold. Keep the lawn mowed short, about 1-2 inches high, to allow for adequate seed-to-soil contact. Remove any dead grass clippings and debris. Next, use a spreader to spread the grass seed so that it is evenly covered. You'll need about 5-10 pounds of seed for every 1,000 square feet of lawn. Water lightly daily, keeping the top 1 inch of soil moist, until the new grass sprouts. This encourages proper germination.
Fertilize For Healthy Roots
Fertilizing in the fall helps grass plants store nutrients through the winter. This leads to faster green-up and growth in spring.
Look for fertilizers labeled as “winterizer” or with higher potassium content. Potassium strengthens grass roots and increases cold tolerance. Organic options like milorganite are great alternatives to synthetic fertilizers.
We recommend conducting a soil test first to see what nutrients your lawn specifically needs. This will provide fertilizer guidelines tailored to your soil. Otherwise, apply 1 lb of nitrogen per 1000 sq ft around Labor Day. Then fertilize again 6-8 weeks later as temperatures drop. Avoid over-fertilizing, which can damage grass plants.
Control Fall Weeds
Cool-season weeds like dandelions, clover, and bindweed thrive in fall. Get a jump on weed control before they get out of hand.
Spot treat weeds with selective liquid herbicides containing 2,4-D, dicamba, or MCPP. Check the label to ensure the product targets broadleaf weeds but won’t harm your grass type. You can also hand pull small infestations.
Preemergent herbicides like prodiamine prevent weed seeds from sprouting. Apply in mid-September through October according to label directions to stop spring weeds. Consider organic options like corn gluten meal too.
Keep Up With Watering
Continue watering your lawn into early fall to avoid drought stress. Grass uses less water as temperatures cool, so you likely won’t need to water as often.
Gradually taper off irrigation through September and October as fall rains arrive. Let the lawn go dormant once temperatures reach freezing. Water only if extended dry periods occur to prevent total browning.
Adjust sprinklers to wet the soil 4-6 inches deep. Early morning watering is best to limit evaporation loss. Be sure to observe local watering restrictions too.
Remove Leaves and Debris
As fall leaves start to drop on your lawn in Denver or Colorado Springs, make a habit of regularly raking or blowing them off the lawn before they pile up. For lighter leaf falls, mow over the leaves to shred them with your blades. The decomposing leaves will act as a natural fertilizer.
For heavier leaf falls, bag or rake leaves into piles for removal. Compost them or use as garden mulch. Also, take time to clear away fallen branches and other yard debris that could smother grass.
Edge along sidewalks and driveways so leaves don’t accumulate. Cover any bare patches with a light layer of seed-free straw to prevent erosion. One final late season mow will chop up any remaining organic matter.
Staying on top of fall cleanup reduces the risk of damage, pests, and diseases over winter. It’s an important task for a healthy spring lawn!
Schedule Fall Lawn Maintenance
Proper fall lawn care takes some work, but pays off all year long. To remember everything, create a fall maintenance schedule fall your lawn care now.
Aerate, overseed, fertilize, and control weeds in September. Keep mowing into October and remove leaves through November. Adjust watering as needed until shutdown.
Your efforts will be rewarded with a thriving lawn that outcompetes weeds, withstands harsh weather, and stays green even in winter. Don’t let fall lawn maintenance slide – take action now for a gorgeous Colorado lawn.
Do your fall lawn chores now, sip patio margaritas later
Don’t neglect important fall maintenance just because the weather is getting colder. Take action now to prevent weed invasions, grass dieback, and other troubles later. Think about it – take care of your yard this fall, and you’ll be able to relax with a patio margarita while admiring your masterpiece next spring!
Better yet, leave your fall lawn care routine in the hands of the experts at NatureGreen LLC. Our custom treatment plans are the best way to turn a 7-step process into just one. Contact us today for a free quote
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